Synopsis: Spartacus, the genre-defining epic from director Stanley Kubrick, is the legendary tale of a bold gladiator (Kirk Douglas) who led a triumphant Roman slave revolt. Filmed in glorious Technicolor, the action-packed spectacle won four Academy Awards including Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction. Featuring a cast of screen legends such as Laurence Olivier, Charles Laughton, Peter Ustinov, Jean Simmons, John Gavin and Tony Curtis, this uncut and fully restored masterpiece is an inspirational true account of man’s eternal struggle for freedom.
Based on the novel of the same name by Howard Fast, Fast was hired to adapt his own novel as a screenplay, but he experienced difficulty working in the screenplay format and was replaced by the blacklisted Dalton Trumbo, who worked under the pseudonym “Sam Jackson”. The filming was plagued by the conflicting visions of Kubrick and Trumbo: Kubrick, a young director at the time, did not have the degree of control he would later have over his films, and the final product is more a result of Trumbo’s optimistic screenplay than it is of Stanley Kubrick’s trademark cynicism.
Whatever their differences, Spartacus remains a favorite film for many, and is generally regarded as one of the best epics ever made.
Audio: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Subtitles: English SDH
Bonus Features:
• Interview with Peter Ustinov
• Interview with Jean Simmons
• Behind-the-Scenes Footage
• Vintage Newsreels
• Production Stills
• Concept Art
• Costume Designs
• Saul Bass Storyboards
• Posters & Print Ads
• My Scenes