A hit television series on Disney Junior, Jake and the Neverland Pirates follows the adventures of young pirates Jake (voiced by Sean Ryan Fox), Izzy (Madison Pettis) and Cubby (Jadon Sand) in Never Land. They spend most of their time on their ship Bucky, with their parrot Skully. The series is based on Disney’s Peter Pan, which in turn is based on the famous book and play by British author J.M. Barrie.
Battle for the Book finds Wendy (Maia Mitchell), Michael (Colby Mulgrew), and John Darling (Elliot Reeve) joining Jake and his gang in the search for Wendy’s magical storybook. Finally fed up with how the book had portrayed him as a bumbling idiot, Captain Hook (Corey Burton) had returned to London and taken the book. Captain Hook made the trip aboard the Jolly Roger, and Peter Pan (Adam Wylie) contacted Jake about retrieving the book and returning it to Neverland. There’s not much time because the longer Captain Hook has the book the more likely it becomes that Peter Pan and Neverland will fade away. Fun and enjoyable, Jake and the Neverland Pirates: Battle for the Book offers lots of adventure, and songs that kids will be singing for days.
All of the voice actors do fine work, particularly Sean Ryan Fox as Jake. All of the actors are clearly enjoying being part of the Peter Pan mythos. It’s a story like this that reminds jaded adults just how magical Neverland really is.
As one might expect, Disney has given Jake and the Neverland Pirates: Battle for the Book a fine DVD transfer. Both the visuals and sound are top notch.