Author: Rebecca Wright

DVD Review: Bonneville

The lack of good roles in films for actresses over forty has been an issue almost since cinema began. Through the years, there have always been a few female stars; Katherine Hepburn immediately comes to mind as an actress who...

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Blu-ray Review: Cloverfield

I know I already reviewed this film two months ago, and declared myself less than impressed with it. However, after hearing friends repeatedly tell me I missed the point of the entire movie and it was indeed one of the best...

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DVD Review: John Adams

As Benjamin Franklin lay on his deathbed in 1790, John Adams said, “The history of our Revolution will be one continued lie from one end to the other, the essence of the whole will be that Dr. Franklin’s electrical...

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DVD Review: The Andromeda Strain

As an avid movie watcher, I find myself continually wondering why Hollywood seems so obsessed with remakes. Is it because it’s easy just to reheat ideas that have already been done, or do some entertainment honchos really...

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DVD Review: Funny Games

With films like Cache and Piano Teacher, Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke has shown a desire to observe unsettling human behavior and dramatize the response to it. That said, the purpose of Funny Games is to provoke and disturb...

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