Author: Rebecca Wright

Blu-ray Review: Shrek the Third

Debuting in 2001, Shrek was a CG animated feature loosely based off the children’s book of the same name by William Steig. Telling the story of a hermitic swamp-dwelling ogre whose territory is overrun by displaced faerie...

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DVD Review: Pathology

Directed by Marc Schoelermann and written by Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor, creators of Crank (a 2006 film that has developed a bit of a cult following), Pathology received mixed reviews and a tepid box office response upon...

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DVD Review: Deception

Deception has been used as a film title several times, so perhaps the name of this 2008 offering should have tipped me off to its unoriginal story. However with the star power of Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor, I figured any...

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